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Tópico: [Feedback] End of the World 2021 Event

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Data de Ingresso
    Mar 2017

    [Feedback] End of the World 2021 Event

    Dear settlers,

    You are invited to post your feedback about the End of the World 2021 Event.

    Feel free to leave them in this thread!

    Happy commenting!
    Última edição por BB_Sious; 04.03.21 às 17:20.
    Se você precisa de ajuda, entre em contato com o Suporte em Português. Não hesite em entrar em contato comigo também, mas por favor envie sua mensagem em inglês.

  2. #2
    Avatar de alemaozlnhu
    Data de Ingresso
    Sep 2017
    Loot and XP 3x are still too weak for motivation for 10 days doing the SAME adventure. They are throwing crumbs at the players. Unfortunate! The prize is interesting, but too much "suffering" to win it. There was a lack of planning to satisfy the players.

  3. #3
    Avatar de lordevil
    Data de Ingresso
    Jun 2013
    Citação Postado originalmente por alemaozlnhu Ver Post
    Loot and XP 3x are still too weak for motivation for 10 days doing the SAME adventure. They are throwing crumbs at the players. Unfortunate! The prize is interesting, but too much "suffering" to win it. There was a lack of planning to satisfy the players.
    verdade alema

  4. #4
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Data de Ingresso
    Mar 2017
    Dear Adventurers,

    Due to unforeseen technical issues, the specialists do not bring back the needed adventures. This is indeed making the whole fight a bit harder, but we are sure you still manage to get the trophies for your fellow settlers and yourself. If you're level 26 and active you will find an in-game mail with 5 of the needed adventures attached to it. Please use them freely to help your friends, guildmates, and the Settlers worldwide. Do not forget this is a worldwide community event to offer a special trophy for those who were not with us in the year 2012 or just want the item!

    Furthermore, we will also share some adventure insights with you all soon. This was noted as a "daily" update and for the same technical issues not possible to hold up until now.

    Se você precisa de ajuda, entre em contato com o Suporte em Português. Não hesite em entrar em contato comigo também, mas por favor envie sua mensagem em inglês.

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