Cristmas collectibles
As you can see on the image,something it is wrong with this collectibles,that spawn on the island.I got loads of candy,few ginger bread and for 2 days in a row 0...yes absolute 0 bells.
For a player can have any use of those collectibles as you can see need the same amount of each,otherwise the collectibles we get become useless and we can't produce the gifts in Mayors House.
This it is a Christmas event,where players are supposed to enjoy this time of giving...that it is not Ubisoft/BB policy,no you can't even give the necessary collectibles for players enjoy your own event.
Can anyone in there see the ridiculous of what you are doing?Can anyone see that it is not acceptable???
And please don't come to me with pointless replies,the only one acceptable it is an apology for have all this messed up and not doable even.
Última edição por Executor; 20.12.16 às 02:42.
Realmente isto deveria ser revisto para garantir aos jogadores completar as conquistas do evento...
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