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Tópico: [Feedback] Sneak Peek: Easter Event 2018

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Data de Ingresso
    Mar 2017

    [Feedback] Sneak Peek: Easter Event 2018

    Dear Settlers,

    We'd love to read your feedback, please post it in this thread. To go back to original post, click >here<.

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  2. #2
    Eu olhei no test server a prévia do evento de páscoa e gostei de uma maneira geral.
    Mas vejo um certo desânimo dos jogadores no servidor Brasil. Não sei se ocorre o mesmo em outros servidores. Tentando analisar o problema, cheguei a conclusão que falta o desafio da competição entre jogadores e talvez entre guildas. O jogo se tornou repetitivo após certo nível e falta de objetivo a curto prazo. Estou no nível 69, uma ilha equilibrada e praticamente completa. Meu único objetivo no jogo é chegar ao nível 75, mas projetando minha evolução levará bastante tempo. Fica monótono entrar todos os dias, pegar colecionável, reconstruir minas, fazer 2 ou 3 aventuras. Mas entrar e saber que fui superado, ou quanto falta para superar um outro jogador e planejar o dia o que tenho que fazer, seria um estímulo muito bom.
    Uma maneira que motivaria e movimentaria bastante o servidor seria criar um ranking de jogadores, ao estilo do PvP. Aqui as expedições não entusiasmaram, devido ao principal insumo ser ferro e a maioria tem dificuldades em extrair uma quantia que não prejudique o jogo normal.

    Um ranking por EXP e talvez uma por EXP- Guilda, estimularia os jogadores a superarem e melhorarem suas classificações e acredito bastante que daria um grande impulso no jogo e voltaria com muita força a motivação do jogo. Todos querem ser o primeiro e mesmo não conseguindo num primeiro momento, seria ir melhorando na classificação. Criaria uma competição saudável e guildas mais fortes.

    I looked in the test server the previous of the event of Easter and I liked a general way.
    But I see a certain discouragement of the players in server Brasil. I don't know it happens if the same in other servers. Trying to analyze the problem, the conclusion that lacks the challenge of the competition among players arrived and perhaps among guildas. The game became repetitive after certain level and it lacks of short term objective. I am in the level 69, a balanced island and practically it completes. My only objective in the game is to arrive at the level 75, but projecting my evolution will take plenty of time. Is monotonous to enter everyday, to catch colecionável, to reconstruct mines, to do 2 or 3 adventures. But to enter and to know that was overcome, or as it lacks to overcome another player and the day that I have to do, to drift it would be a very good incentive.
    A way that would motivate and it would move plenty the server would be to create a ranking of players, to the style of PvP. Here the expeditions didn't animate, due to the principal input to be iron and most has difficulties in extracting an amount that doesn't harm the normal game.

    A ranking for EXP and perhaps one for EXP - Guilda, would stimulate the players they to overcome her and they improve your classifications and I believe enough that would give a great pulse in the game and it would return with a lot of force the motivation of the game. All want to be the first and same not getting in a first moment, it would be to go getting better in the classification. Would create a healthy competition and stronger guildas.

  3. #3

    Data de Ingresso
    May 2015
    the event have free adventure that make player enjoy? NOP.
    sorry but decorative stuff are only trash in my island, sad with the way this game goes.
    Can create new itens, buildings? More adventures, help people to join game or the game will kep the way to be dead.
    I love in Settlers 7 the trade outpost and all the stuff related but in online have nothing of this, expeditions suck, admit it, make a better pvp system and create something more useful than Excelsior

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