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Tópico: Bushes and flowers

  1. #1
    Avatar de Vluciasantos
    Data de Ingresso
    Jul 2013
    São Paulo/São Paulo

    Bushes and flowers

    I would like to open a question about the bushes and flowers that exist on the island and that often prevent the best use of the space. Just as there are dynamites to remove some rocks and mountains, why not develop a tool that allows the removal of bushes and flowers. Is this feasible?
    Vera Santos

  2. #2
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Data de Ingresso
    Mar 2017
    Hi Vluciasantos,

    Being able to manually remove or move around the bushes and flowers found on the home island sounds fun. It is not possible to implement this at this time, but I'll be sure to forward your suggestion to the team.

    Se você precisa de ajuda, entre em contato com o Suporte em Português. Não hesite em entrar em contato comigo também, mas por favor envie sua mensagem em inglês.

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